אנרגיה ואקלים
מעבדת החשמל
Energy and Climate
Electricity Lab
אייל ששון
Eyal Sasson
תכנון אופטימלי של רשת החשמל בישראל
Optimal planning of the electricity grid in Israel
An increasing number of countries are developing and establishing a system of electricity production by renewable energy based on the utilization of local natural resources (sun, wind, waves, nuclear, etc.). Extensive use of renewable sources poses new challenges to the electricity sector, such as: limitations on availability natural resources and maintaining a stable frequency in the transmission network. The transition to distributed electricity production based on renewable energy requires optimal planning of the future electricity network as a preliminary step to the implementation of renewable energy on a large scale. The purpose of the research is to respond to these challenges and offer a long-term model for optimal network planning The electricity that will minimize the costs of establishing and operating this network, subject to the limitations required to ensure its reliability and survival in Israel in the years 2030-2050. The layout planning of the future electricity network will be done by solving an optimization problem using linear programming subject to land limitations, technological limitations (including system survivability and storage solutions), limitations regulations, other planning limitations, the size and location of the population, housing, industry, etc. The model solution will take into account the costs of construction and operation, environmental costs caused in the electricity production process, meeting government goals in relation to renewable energy, and ensuring the survival and reliability of the electricity system. We decided to focus on Israel, which only recently began the implementation stages of the electricity sector reform, as a case study. The Israeli case is particularly interesting. First, from a global perspective, Israel is considered a key player in clean energy innovation. Also, Israel has the unique characteristics of an 'energy island' - an isolated country without electricity trade with neighboring countries. The combination of Prof. Sand and Prof. Tishler's expertise in project management and strategic consulting in the public sector and my background in the economic field will lead to the development of an applied tool for decision makers for one of the most important and central problems towards the transition of Israel's electricity sector to a low-carbon economy.
על אודות החוקרים
אייל ששון
אייל ששון הוא חוקר שותף במכון בוריס מינץ לפתרונות מדיניות אסטרטגיים לאתגרים גלובליים באוניברסיטת תל אביב בתחום האנרגיה המתחדשת, רשת החשמל וקיימות. בין היתר, השתתף בכתיבת התוכנית הלאומית "שינוי כיוון 2020" ובמחקר שעסק בבחינת ישימות טכנולוגית ותועלות כלכליות וסביבתיות של פתרונות אגירה שונים, במימון של קק"ל. אייל הוא בעל רישיון רואה חשבון, תואר מוסמך בכלכלה ותואר מוסמך במדיניות ציבורית ולו מספר פרסומים אקדמיים, שחלקם הוצגו בכנסים בינלאומיים בישראל ובארה"ב.

About the researchers
Eyal Sasson

Eyal Sasson is an associate researcher at the Boris Mintz Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions for Global Challenges at Tel Aviv University in the field of renewable energy, the electricity grid and sustainability. Among other things, he participated in the writing of the national program "Change of direction 2020" and in research that examined the technological applicability and economic and environmental benefits of various storage solutions, funded by KKL, some of which were presented at international conferences in Israel and the USA.