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ערים ומורכבות

דור חדש של מערכות תומכות תכנון: מיזוג חווית תכנון אנושית ותאומים דיגיטליים

Cities and Complexity

New generation of planning support system: Merging human planning experience and digital twins

פרופ' יצחק בננסון
Prof. Itzhak Benenson

דור חדש של מערכות תומכות תכנון: מיזוג חווית תכנון אנושית ותאומים דיגיטליים New generation of planning support system: Merging human planning experience and digital twins

Related references

1. Itzhak Benenson, Eran Ben-Elia, Yodan Rofé & Dmitry Geyzersky 2017, The benefits of high-resolution analysis of transit accessibility, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31:2, 213 – 236,
2. G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2018, Assessing the Impacts of Dedicated Bus Lanes on Urban Traffic Congestion and Modal Split with an Agent-Based Model, Procedia Computer Science, v130, P. 824-829
3. G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2021, Population Downscaling in Multi-Agent Urban Traffic Simulations: A Review and Case Study, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, v108,,
4. G. Ben-Dor, I. Klein, A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson. (2022). Modal Shift and Shared Automated Demand-Responsive Transport: A Case Study of Jerusalem. Procedia Computer Science, 201, 581-586.‏
5. Fulman, N, Marinov, M. Benenson, I. (2023) Investigating occasional travel patterns based on smartcard transactions, Transport Policy, v141 152–166,
6. Ben-Dor, G., Ogulenko, A., Benenson, I, 2023, Possible Congestion-Mitigating Carrot-and-Stick Transport Policies for Jerusalem, Procedia Computer Science, v 220, 2023, Pages 741-746,
7. Fulman N., Grinblat Y., Benenson I. (2024) A project-based view of urban dynamics: Analyzing ‘leapfrogging’ and fringe development in Israel, Cities, v. 148, 104908
8. Ben-Dor G., Ogulenko A., Klein I., Ben-Elia E., Benenson I., 2024, Simulation-based policy evaluation of monetary car driving disincentives in Jerusalem, Transportation Research Part A, v 183, 104061,

New generation of planning support system: Merging human planning experience and digital twins

Related references

1. Itzhak Benenson, Eran Ben-Elia, Yodan Rofé & Dmitry Geyzersky 2017, The benefits of high-resolution analysis of transit accessibility, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31:2, 213 – 236,
2. G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2018, Assessing the Impacts of Dedicated Bus Lanes on Urban Traffic Congestion and Modal Split with an Agent-Based Model, Procedia Computer Science, v130, P. 824-829
3. G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2021, Population Downscaling in Multi-Agent Urban Traffic Simulations: A Review and Case Study, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, v108,,
4. G. Ben-Dor, I. Klein, A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson. (2022). Modal Shift and Shared Automated Demand-Responsive Transport: A Case Study of Jerusalem. Procedia Computer Science, 201, 581-586.‏
5. Fulman, N, Marinov, M. Benenson, I. (2023) Investigating occasional travel patterns based on smartcard transactions, Transport Policy, v141 152–166,
6. Ben-Dor, G., Ogulenko, A., Benenson, I, 2023, Possible Congestion-Mitigating Carrot-and-Stick Transport Policies for Jerusalem, Procedia Computer Science, v 220, 2023, Pages 741-746,
7. Fulman N., Grinblat Y., Benenson I. (2024) A project-based view of urban dynamics: Analyzing ‘leapfrogging’ and fringe development in Israel, Cities, v. 148, 104908
8. Ben-Dor G., Ogulenko A., Klein I., Ben-Elia E., Benenson I., 2024, Simulation-based policy evaluation of monetary car driving disincentives in Jerusalem, Transportation Research Part A, v 183, 104061,

על אודות החוקרים

פרופ' יצחק בננסון

פרופ' יצחק בננסון הוא חוקר בכיר ומרצה בחוג לגיאוגרפיה וסביבת האדם בפקולטה למדעי כדור הארץ. תחומי המחקר של פרופ' בננסון הם: גיאוסימולציה וניתוח מרחבי של תופעות מרחביות בעיר ואזור, מודלי דינמיקה של אוכלוסין, השפעת תכניות פיתוח, תחבורה ציבורית וחיפוש חניה בעיר, תאונות דרכים ויחסים בין הולכי רגל וכלי רכב בעיר, ניתוח של BIG DATA מרחבי, ניידות בעיר.

פרופ' יצחק בננסון

About the researchers

Prof. Itzhak Benenson
Prof. Itzhak Benenson

Itzhak Benenson is Head of the Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis Laboratory at Tel Aviv University. The areas of his academic interest include: Geosimulation and spatial analysis of urban and regional phenomena; modeling of urban residential dynamics; long-term impact of local and regional plans; public transport and parking in the city; vehicle-pedestrian interactions and road accidents; spatial BIG DATA analysis; urban mobility.

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