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ניהול משאבי סביבה

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Supply Chains

ד"ר רתם זלינגר
Dr. Rotem Zelingher

CMAAF: Comprehensive Methodology: Accessible Analyse and Forecast (CMAAF) of agricultural commodity prices

CMAAF, the Comprehensive Methodology: Accessible Analyze and Forecast, represents a pioneering methodology aimed at revolutionizing the analysis and forecasting of globally traded agricultural commodity prices. Integrating explainable machine learning and econometric techniques, CMAAF offers a novel approach to forecasting monthly price changes in the medium term. Its innovative methodology prioritizes accessibility, comprehensiveness, accuracy, interpretability, and practicality, ensuring that its insights are available to a wide audience regardless of budget, language or any possible constraints. By providing detailed yet straightforward visual explanations of the drivers behind its forecasts, CMAAF empowers stakeholders in the food security domain to make informed decisions and adapt to market dynamics effectively. This application signifies a significant step forward in bridging the gap between advanced forecasting techniques and practical research in global food markets, with the potential to contribute to more resilient and equitable food systems worldwide.

CMAAF: Comprehensive Methodology: Accessible Analyse and Forecast (CMAAF) of agricultural commodity prices

CMAAF, the Comprehensive Methodology: Accessible Analyze and Forecast, represents a pioneering methodology aimed at revolutionizing the analysis and forecasting of globally traded agricultural commodity prices. Integrating explainable machine learning and econometric techniques, CMAAF offers a novel approach to forecasting monthly price changes in the medium term. Its innovative methodology prioritizes accessibility, comprehensiveness, accuracy, interpretability, and practicality, ensuring that its insights are available to a wide audience regardless of budget, language or any possible constraints. By providing detailed yet straightforward visual explanations of the drivers behind its forecasts, CMAAF empowers stakeholders in the food security domain to make informed decisions and adapt to market dynamics effectively. This application signifies a significant step forward in bridging the gap between advanced forecasting techniques and practical research in global food markets, with the potential to contribute to more resilient and equitable food systems worldwide.

על אודות החוקרים

ד"ר רתם זלינגר

רתם זלינגר חוקרת נושאים הנוגעים לבטחון תזונתי\ בדגש על מחירי סחורות חקלאיות, חיזוי מחירים וניתוח נתונים. רתם הינה מרצה בבית הספר לחברה ומדיניות, במוזיאון הטבע ע"ש שטיינהרדט באוניברסיטת תל אביב ובמכון IIASA. מחקרה עוסק בגישור פערי הידע הקיימים בנושא הסחר העולמי במזון, תוך מטרה להנגיש את הנושא לציבור הרחב ולקדם בטחון תזונתי. רתם סיימה תארים ראשונים בכלכלה חקלאית, ודוקטורט בכלכלה יישומית. פרוייקט הפוסט דוקטורט שלה, במימון מלגת מארי קירי, עוסק בבניית מתודולוגיה לחיזוי וניתוח נגיש של מחירי סחורות חקלאיות - CMAAF.

ד"ר רתם זלינגר

About the researchers

Dr. Rotem Zelingher
Dr. Rotem Zelingher

Rotem Zelingher's goal is to promote social equity by making the topic of food price forecasting accessible and interpretable. She is using different econometric and machine learning methods.

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