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ECE seminar at IIASA: Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran — Mobility of the Future: New Tools and Capabilities

ECE seminar at IIASA: Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran — Mobility of the Future: New Tools and Capabilities

The ECE group in IIASA will host a seminar by Dr. Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran on "Mobility of the Future: New Tools and Capabilities".

11:00–12:00 CET next Wednesday, 26 February

This is an opportunity to learn about the leading edge of methods and data used for high-resolution simulation of urban mobility—an essential complement to the aggregate, long-term, and global-scope representation.

The seminar will be a hybrid event .Connect to the seminar virtually via Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 316 570 095 157

Passcode: 9hv3eC3n

ABSTRACT: Cities are now, more than ever, contending with the challenges of increased car usage, traffic congestion, air pollution and energy shortage. In order to mitigate existing and future negative impacts of urban mobility while improving performance, equity, environmental outcomes and levels of service, cities worldwide require tested solutions and verifiable insights. New analytical methods and frameworks for modeling and predicting the impacts of future mobility scenarios are required. Easy and fast synthesis techniques of virtual cities; an advanced simulation tools capable of capturing the highly heterogeneous, individual-level activity choices and supply-demand interactions of a large-scale, real-world networks; high resolution energy consumption and emissions model; and other advanced capabilities are presented. With these capabilities, we can simulate the effects of a portfolio of technology, policy and investment options under alternative future scenarios at both the individual and system-wide levels. Simulation case studies demonstrate their potential benefits.

DR. BAT-HEN NAHMIAS-BIRAN serves as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering at Tel-Aviv University. She is also head of the Future Mobility Lab and a Research Affiliate in the ITS Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She did her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion and received her PhD in Transportation Systems from the Technion. She was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Future Urban Mobility (FM) lab. Her field of research lay at the intersection of transportation systems and policy. She is investigating the potential and impacts of innovations and New Mobility forms on transportation systems with an explicit focus on large-scale complex systems, transport-environmental policies, future/automated mobility solutions, and equity. She especially enjoys doing interdisciplinary research, and uses state-of-the-art methodologies in behavioral models, simulation, machine learning, data collection, and analytical tools.

Image by Jan Vasek via Pixabay

The ECE group in IIASA will host a seminar by Dr. Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran on "Mobility of the Future: New Tools and Capabilities".

11:00–12:00 CET next Wednesday, 26 February

This is an opportunity to learn about the leading edge of methods and data used for high-resolution simulation of urban mobility—an essential complement to the aggregate, long-term, and global-scope representation.

Connect to the seminar virtually via Microsoft Teams:

Meeting ID: 316 570 095 157

Passcode: 9hv3eC3n

ABSTRACT: Cities are now, more than ever, contending with the challenges of increased car usage, traffic congestion, air pollution and energy shortage. In order to mitigate existing and future negative impacts of urban mobility while improving performance, equity, environmental outcomes and levels of service, cities worldwide require tested solutions and verifiable insights. New analytical methods and frameworks for modeling and predicting the impacts of future mobility scenarios are required. Easy and fast synthesis techniques of virtual cities; an advanced simulation tools capable of capturing the highly heterogeneous, individual-level activity choices and supply-demand interactions of a large-scale, real-world networks; high resolution energy consumption and emissions model; and other advanced capabilities are presented. With these capabilities, we can simulate the effects of a portfolio

of technology, policy and investment options under alternative future scenarios at both the individual and system-wide levels. Simulation case studies demonstrate their potential benefits.

DR. BAT-HEN NAHMIAS-BIRAN serves as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering at Tel-Aviv University. She is also head of the Future Mobility Lab and a Research Affiliate in the ITS Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She did her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion and received her PhD in Transportation Systems from the Technion. She was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Future Urban Mobility (FM) lab. Her field of research lay at the intersection of transportation systems and policy. She is investigating the potential

and impacts of innovations and New Mobility forms on transportation systems with an explicit focus on large-scale complex systems, transport-environmental policies, future/automated mobility solutions, and equity. She especially enjoys doing interdisciplinary research, and uses state-of-the-art methodologies in behavioral models, simulation, machine learning, data collection, and analytical tools.

Image by Jan Vasek via Pixabay

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