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קול קורא להגשת מועמדויות לתוכנית פוסט דוקטורט משותפת עם IIASA לשנת 2025


קולות קוראים

קול קורא להגשת מועמדות לתוכנית פוסט דוקטורט לשנת 2025 מטעם מרכז ארכימדס והמכון הבינלאומי לניתוח מערכות יישומי (IIASA) 


דוקטורנטים/ות שסיימו לאחרונה את לימודיהם/ן, מצויים/ות במסגרת זמנים של עד 5 שנים מסיום הדוקטורט ומעוניינים/ות לפתח מיומנויות מחקר, ניסיון ומומחיות בניתוח מערכות יישומי ובמחקר בינלאומי ובינתחומי בתחומי הקיימות והחוסן, מוזמנים/ות להגיש מועמדות למלגת פוסט-דוקטורט במסגרת תכנית הפוסט-דוקטורט של IIASA ומרכז ארכימדס.

תוכנית הפוסט-דוקטורט של IIASA ומרכז ארכימדס פתוחה למועמדים/ות ישראליים שסיימו דוקטורט בכל מוסד בארץ או בעולם, או לבעלי אזרחויות שונות שסיימו דוקטורט במוסד ישראלי ומטרתה להכשיר חוקרי/ות פוסט-דוקטורט בעלי/ות כישורים גבוהים בראשית הקריירה, לביצוע מחקר בינתחומי מאתגר עם כלים מתודלוגיים חדשניים בתחומים טכנולוגיים, כלכליים, וסביבתיים הכוללים זיהום אוויר, אנרגיה ואקלים, אקולוגיה, דמוגרפיה, מורכבות בסביבה האורבנית, טכנולוגיות מים, ניהול מערכות אקולוגיות, מגוון מינים, ניהול משאבי סביבה, מודלים של מדיניות והתנהגות צרכנים, בריאות הציבור וניהול חומרים.   

העמיתים/ות יצברו ניסיון משמעותי בניתוח מערכות יישומי בהקשר לסוגיות שונות בעולמות הקימות והחוסן ובעיות אקטואליות הדורשות פתרונות מורכבים חוצי סקטורים. לעמיתים/ות תהא גישה לרשת נרחבת של שותפים/ות בינלאומיים, רבים מהם חוקרים/ות מובילים/ות בתחומים מדעיים יחודיים, אשר יוכלו לסייע לעמיתים/ות באיתור הזדמנויות לפיתוח קריירת מחקר משמעותית.

הקול הקורא לשנת 2025 יפתח להגשות החל מה-26 ביולי, ואנו מעודדים אתכם/ן להגיש מועמדות לפי ההנחיות בו.

מועד אחרון להגשת בקשה

המועד האחרון להגשת מועמדות הוא ה-15 באוקטובר 2024.  

מועדים רלוונטיים 

ראשית נובמבר 2024 - עמיתים/ות נבחרים/ות יתבשרו באשר להחלטת ועדת השיפוט 

ראשית ינואר 2025 - תחילת מתן המלגה 


הקול הקורא פורסם במקור בשפה האנגלית וכל פרטיו מצויים מטה. 

להגשת מועמדות בעמוד התכנית ולפרטים נוספים באתר IIASA > 

לשאלות, אנא צרו קשר עם מרכז ארכימדס בכתובת: 


Archimedes Center and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International (IIASA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Call for Applications 2024 

Within the framework of their Memorandum of Understanding, Israel NMO via the Archimedes center for applied systems analysis and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (hereinafter referred to as IIASA) have launched the Israel-IIASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, aimed at training highly qualified early-career postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in fields of mutual interest at both Archimedes and IIASA, which include but are not limited to applied mathematics, system analysis engineering, statistics, big data and AI, demography, physical geography, agriculture, urban studies, environmental economics, resource and energy management, ecology, biology, water engineering, waste management, atmospheric modeling, life cycle assessment, material flows, supply chains, the built environment, social sciences, social networks, well-being, citizen science, and science communication. The Postdoctoral Fellows will have the opportunity to develop international and interdisciplinary research skills and become part of a vibrant, dynamic, diverse, and international scientific research community both at Israel, other NMO countries, and at IIASA. This opportunity will give the fellows the chance to advance their skills and broaden their research interests. Additionally, the fellows will gain first-hand experience in applying systems analysis to real-world problems and issues with attention to the local and regional relevancy in Israel and the middle east. The fellows will have access to a network of international collaborators, many of them with highly successful careers in their own specialized scientific areas, which can help in boosting future career prospects. 



The Program will offer up to three postdoctoral fellowships every year. Each fellowship is to be awarded for 12 or 24 months. Ideally fellowship recipients should complete the first 12 months of their fellowships at IIASA and the subsequent 12 months at IIASA or Israel. In addition, exchange visits and regular (virtual) meetings between the fellows and the respective IIASA/Israeli supervisors are strongly encouraged. This includes a mandatory inaugural visit/meeting, to ensure co-design of the research and to strengthen collaboration. The extension of the fellowship beyond the first 12 months shall be subject to a joint mid-term evaluation and funds availability. Candidates will be required to start the fellowship during January 2025. Funding Funding for this program is available through IIASA and \ or through Archimedes center. Accepted candidates will be either hired by IIASA or become postdocs under an Israeli institution with post-doc stipend according to the Israeli requirements. The funding scheme will be decided upon acceptance to the program taking into account a variety of criteria. 


Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria 

 The Fellowship is open to Israeli citizens that completed their PhD in any university in Israel or abroad or to any applicant (any citizenship) that graduated with PhD from an Israeli University. We are especially looking for highly qualified early-career researchers who received their PhD no more than five years before the appointment started. Each applicant must identify at least one faculty member from IIASA and eligible Israeli institution who agree to serve as his/her host supervisors. To find the program ( suitable for your research please view the IIASA research page. Once you have formulated a proposal, we encourage you to contact the relevant program representatives ( Selection is based on the academic excellence of the applicant, the quality of the proposed research project, compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of a joint postdoctoral project, relevancy to the Archimedes center research groups and goals, and the commitment of the respective hosts at both institutions. The research proposal should include information on how the project will benefit from the research environments of both institutions and how the proposal interfaces the fellow’s own research interests with the research agendas pursued by Archimedes and IIASA.

Applicants are advised to review the research section of the Archimedes center webpage and the research section of the IIASA webpage.

Application Fellowship applicants are required to prepare application documents in English and apply through an online application link providing the following information: 

• Archimedes -IIASA International Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Form 

• Full CV or Resume 

• Two recommendation letters (directly sent by referees to coordinators listed below. including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor) 

• An endorsement letter or e-mail from each of the envisaged postdoctoral supervisors at Israel and IIASA. The letter or e-mail should include applicant’s qualifications, detailed information on the added value of the research project and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical and intellectual research environment that the supervisor will provide to the fellow.  


Application Deadline  

The call will open now, and all applications must be received by October 15, 2024.  


Important Deadlines  

Early November 2024 – Selected fellows will be notified January 2025 – Preferred commencement of fellowship.


Submission and Queries  

Apply through the following link:

For Archimedes General and Scientific Queries Prof. Vered Blass, E-mail address: / Yael Bulis, Operations Manager Archimedes Center, E-mail address: 

For IIASA General Queries E-mail address: 

For IIASA Scientific Queries Please get in touch with the relevant program representative to find out about mutual interest in your intended research and to identify the best research group for your topic: 

Open now | Postdoc Fellowship Program Call for Applications 2025


Calls for Proposals

Archimedes Center and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Call for Applications 2025. Deadline: October 15, 2024

Within the framework of their Memorandum of Understanding, Israel NMO via the Archimedes center for applied systems analysis and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (hereinafter referred to as IIASA) have launched the Israel-IIASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, aimed at training highly qualified early-career postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in fields of mutual interest at both Archimedes and IIASA, which include but are not limited to applied mathematics, system analysis engineering, statistics, big data and AI, demography, physical geography, agriculture, urban studies, environmental economics, resource and energy management, ecology, biology, water engineering, waste management, atmospheric modeling, life cycle assessment, material flows, supply chains, the built environment, social sciences, social networks, well-being, citizen science, and science communication. The Postdoctoral Fellows will have the opportunity to develop international and interdisciplinary research skills and become part of a vibrant, dynamic, diverse, and international scientific research community both at Israel, other NMO countries, and at IIASA. This opportunity will give the fellows the chance to advance their skills and broaden their research interests. Additionally, the fellows will gain first-hand experience in applying systems analysis to real-world problems and issues with attention to the local and regional relevancy in Israel and the middle east. The fellows will have access to a network of international collaborators, many of them with highly successful careers in their own specialized scientific areas, which can help in boosting future career prospects. 



The Program will offer up to three postdoctoral fellowships every year. Each fellowship is to be awarded for 12 or 24 months. Ideally fellowship recipients should complete the first 12 months of their fellowships at IIASA and the subsequent 12 months at IIASA or Israel. In addition, exchange visits and regular (virtual) meetings between the fellows and the respective IIASA/Israeli supervisors are strongly encouraged. This includes a mandatory inaugural visit/meeting, to ensure co-design of the research and to strengthen collaboration. The extension of the fellowship beyond the first 12 months shall be subject to a joint mid-term evaluation and funds availability. Candidates will be required to start the fellowship during January 2025. Funding Funding for this program is available through IIASA and \ or through Archimedes center. Accepted candidates will be either hired by IIASA or become postdocs under an Israeli institution with post-doc stipend according to the Israeli requirements. The funding scheme will be decided upon acceptance to the program taking into account a variety of criteria. 


Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria 

 The Fellowship is open to Israeli citizens that completed their PhD in any university in Israel or abroad or to any applicant (any citizenship) that graduated with PhD from an Israeli University. We are especially looking for highly qualified early-career researchers who received their PhD no more than five years before the appointment started. Each applicant must identify at least one faculty member from IIASA and eligible Israeli institution who agree to serve as his/her host supervisors. To find the program ( suitable for your research please view the IIASA research page. Once you have formulated a proposal, we encourage you to contact the relevant program representatives ( Selection is based on the academic excellence of the applicant, the quality of the proposed research project, compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of a joint postdoctoral project, relevancy to the Archimedes center research groups and goals, and the commitment of the respective hosts at both institutions. The research proposal should include information on how the project will benefit from the research environments of both institutions and how the proposal interfaces the fellow’s own research interests with the research agendas pursued by Archimedes and IIASA.

Applicants are advised to review the research section of the Archimedes center webpage and the research section of the IIASA webpage.

Application Fellowship applicants are required to prepare application documents in English and apply through an online application link providing the following information: 

• Archimedes -IIASA International Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Form 

• Full CV or Resume 

• Two recommendation letters (directly sent by referees to coordinators listed below. including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor) 

• An endorsement letter or e-mail from each of the envisaged postdoctoral supervisors at Israel and IIASA. The letter or e-mail should include applicant’s qualifications, detailed information on the added value of the research project and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical and intellectual research environment that the supervisor will provide to the fellow.  


Application Deadline  

The call will open on July 26, 2024, and all applications must be received by October 15, 2024.  


Important Deadlines  

Early November 2024 – Selected fellows will be notified

January 2025 – Preferred commencement of fellowship.


Submission and Queries  

Apply through the following link:

For Archimedes General and Scientific Queries Prof. Vered Blass, E-mail address: / Yael Bulis, Operations Manager Archimedes Center, E-mail address: 

For IIASA General Queries E-mail address: 

For IIASA Scientific Queries Please get in touch with the relevant program representative to find out about mutual interest in your intended research and to identify the best research group for your topic: 

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